It’s been awhile since and update and depending on your point of view COVID surges on at its study rate of spread, or is starting its second or third peak. Regardless of the point of view, some major statistical milestones have been reached.
What follows are the statistics and visualizations regarding COVID-19 that I find informative, important, or were just interesting to me to create as I learn more about data visualization. There are plenty of other analyses available, and analyses that come from disease experts, which I am not, so I encourage you to read and look at those as well!
The analyses use data last updated on 10/31/2020.
Global Analyses
Recent Milestones & Statistics of Note
The number of confirmed cases around the world has surpassed 46 million and total deaths are nearing 1.2 million. The 7-day average of daily cases continues to climb to record highs and is currently at 486 thousand. The 7-day average of daily deaths is climbing toward a new peak and currently is at 6,328 per day. The number of active cases worldwide still has not peaked! There are now more than 11.5 million people infected with COVID-19 right now. See for visualizations of this data.
Global Total Cases
Currently the nation with the fewest per capita confirmed cases is Laos at 1 in every 304,595 individuals.
The nation with the most per capita confirmed cases is Andorra at 1 in every 17 individuals.
The global prevalence is 1 in every 169 individuals with a confirmed case of COVID-19, an increase from 1 in 309 on 8/29/2020 and 1 in 544 on 7/17/2020.

Global Deaths
There are 27 nations that have not reported a COVID-19 fatality.
Currently the nation with the fewest per capita deaths is Burundi at 1 in every 12,004,819 individuals.
The nation with the most per capita deaths is San Marino at 1 in every 808 individuals.
Globally 1 in every 6,509 individuals have died from COVID-19, an increase from 1 in 9,189 on 8/29/2020 and 1 in 12,908 on 7/17/2020.
1 in every 39 individuals who have contracted COVID-19 have died, a death rate of 2.60%, a decrease from 3.36% on 8/29/2020.

For visualizations of the trend in global COVID-19 deaths, the relative proportion of deaths by region, and trends and national and state trends see the Financial Times COVID-19 Tracker: Financial Times COVID-19 Tracker link
Global Active Cases
Currently their are 8 nations without any active cases of COVID-19, a decrease from 15 on 7/17/2020. The most populous nation without any active cases is Macao.
The nation with the most per capita active cases is Belgium at 1 in every 31 individuals.
The global prevalence is 1 in every 829 individuals with an active case of COVID-19, an increase from 1 in 1,260 on 8/29/2020 and 1 in 1,648 on 7/17/2020.

United States of America Analyses
Recent Milestones & Statistics of Note
In the USA, the number of confirmed cases in the USA has reached 9.3 million and the total number of deaths is over 235 thousand. This is now greater than the in action deaths from the Civil War (214k) and is trending toward in action US WWII deaths (295k). The 7-day average of daily cases continues to rise once again and exceeded 100 thousand today!
The number of active cases plateaued in August and September and is rising. At 3.1 million active cases there are more potential sources of additional infections than ever.
National Status
In the USA 1 in every 36 people has had a confirmed case of COVID-19, 1 in every 1,410 individuals have died, and 1 in every 108 has an active case.
The USA in ranked in position 14 for per capita cases, position 10 for per capita deaths, and position 11 for per capita active cases. These ranks were 9th, 11th, and 4th respectively on 8/29/2020.
USA Total Cases
Currently the state with the fewest per capita confirmed cases is Vermont at 1 in every 290 individuals.
The state with the most per capita confirmed cases is North Dakota at 1 in every 18.

Prevalence of Active Cases by State
USA Deaths
Currently the state with the fewest per capita deaths is Vermont at 1 in every 10,758 individuals.
The state with the most per capita deaths is New Jersey at 1 in every 539 individuals.
In the USA 1 in every 40 individuals who have contracted COVID-19 have died, a death rate of 2.52% (3.77% on 7/17/2020).

USA Active Cases
Currently the state with the fewest per capita active cases is Vermont at 1 in every 2,026 individuals, a change from New Hampshire at 1 in 5.5k on 8/29/2020.
The state with the most per capita active cases is Rhode Island at 1 in every 37 individuals.

Regional Analyses
The following animations display the progression of COVID-19 in New England at the county level.
7-Day Running Average of New Cases
Seven Day Running Average of New Deaths
Local Exposure Risk
There are also a number of resources available that are tracking how well COVID-19 is being controlled and the current status at a more local level. Two examples are CovidActNow and The Path to Zero. I check Covid Act Now like I check the weather. Red is kind of like going out into a class 5 hurricane, Orange a tropical storm, Yellow a thunderstorm, and Green some rain. Regardless probably good to have your umbrella.
NH COVID Act Now status

Global, National and State Data
This is my go to site for the raw data on current COVID-19 status at the global and state level
Our World in Data
I don’t go here as often, but this site has the most in depth analysis and includes interactive and customizable visualizations
Financial Times Global Deaths Tracking & Financial Times Trends
Good visualization for trends through time and comparing regions, nations, and states
Daily State and County Data
USAfacts My go to site for daily count data
New Hampshire Data NHPR COVID-19 data tracking My go to site for NH data
Risk Status CovidActNow and The Path to Zero